Friday, September 27, 2013

Effective Dietary Supplement

A visit to the health food store can be an overwhelming experience. It's tough to figure out what to choose from among the dizzying assortment of dietary and nutritional supplements on the shelf. From vitamins to minerals to weight loss pills, there are thousands of options to choose from. But do you really need any of them? Do they really work, and if so, which ones are best?

The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, approved by Congress in 1994, defines dietary supplements as products that: are intended to supplement the diet; contain one or more ingredients (like vitamins, herbs, amino acids or their constituents); are intended to be taken by mouth; and, are labeled as dietary supplements.

It's important to remember that dietary supplements are designed to supplement your diet, not to replace nutritious foods. Still, the ADA recognizes that some people may require supplements because the vitamins and/or minerals they need are hard to get in adequate amounts in the diet. These groups include: pregnant women, nursing mothers, strict vegetarians, people with food allergies or intolerance and senior citizens.

Whether they really need them or not, sales figures show that plenty of people are purchasing supplements. Here are some of the most popular supplement categories:

·         Multivitamins

Taking a daily multivitamin with minerals has long been considered nutritional "insurance" to cover dietary shortfalls.

There is no harm in taking a once-daily multivitamin, as long as you select one based on your age and sex. Take one daily or just on days when your diet is inadequate. But better than a multivitamin is to fill in the gaps with food that offers so much more than supplements.

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·         Meal Replacements

Powdered and liquid products like Slim Fast and Ensure might not be what most of us think of as dietary supplements. But they're included in the list because they are designed to supplement the diet.

For people who can't eat regular food because of illnesses, these products are good alternatives. Still, eating a wide variety of nutrient-rich foods is better, if tolerated.

And what about weight management? Using a meal replacement can help control calories and be beneficial, experts say -- as long as it's part of a lifestyle that includes exercise and a calorie-controlled diet.

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·         Sports Nutrition Supplements

This is a broad category that includes both sports performance and weight loss supplements. It includes pills, powders, formulas and drinks formulated not just to hydrate but to enhance physical activity. Among them are creatine, amino acids, protein formulas, and fat burners.

“These products provide a subtle, incremental effect. You can't use a sports supplement for a week and expect to gain pounds of muscle, but if used properly, research shows they can provide a slight, not overwhelming, edge," says Andrew Shoa, PhD, vice president for regulatory affairs for the Council for Responsible Nutrition, a trade association for the dietary supplement industry.

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·         Calcium

Calcium is one of the minerals most often lacking in Americans' diets. But experts say that whenever you can, you should choose calcium from foods such as dairy products, fortified foods, dark leafy greens, soybeans, beans, fish, and raisins.

The U.S. Dietary Guidelines recommends three servings of low-fat or non-fat dairy each day to help bridge this gap. But there are plenty of people who shun dairy, the best source of calcium in our diets.

If you do choose a calcium supplement, look for calcium citrate or lactate. These forms are best absorbed by the body, says Grotto.

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·         B vitamins

B vitamins include thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6, and vitamin B-12. Many of us don't need these supplements, experts say. In fact, romance surrounds the B vitamins because people misuse them to reduce stress and think a supplement will make them a nice person in traffic. But there is not much research to support this theory. And besides, our diets are plentiful in B vitamins.

One exception is seniors, who may need additional B-12 because as we get older, we absorb less of it. Most of us should skip the supplements and get our Bs from grains, dark green vegetables, orange juice, and enriched foods. People with certain medical conditions or who take drugs that interfere with vitamin absorption may also require supplementation.

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·         Vitamin C

Vitamin C is often taken in an effort to ward off colds, though there's little proof this works.

There is scant evidence it may decrease the intensity or duration of colds, but it won't do any harm up to about 1,000 milligrams a day. Because it is a water-soluble vitamin, excess amounts are excreted.
Your health-care provider may tell you to take vitamin C if you have a wound that's healing. But wound otherwise, go for food sources.  Rich sources include oranges, peppers, grapefruits, peaches, papayas, pineapples, broccoli, strawberries, tomatoes, and melons.

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·         Glucosamine and Chondroitin

These supplements are often taken by people with joint pain.

In a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, these supplements, taken alone or in combination, were not found to provide significant relief from osteoarthritis knee pain among all participants. However, results in a subgroup of study participants with moderate to severe pain showed the combination may be effective.

While the evidence is not conclusive, some rheumatologists say many of their patients find relief from the combination.

About 40% of my osteoarthritis patients benefit from taking 1,500 mg of glucosamine and 1,200 mg chondroitin sulphate a day (for) four to eight weeks," says Kaiser Permanente rheumatologist Eduardo Baetti. But "most patients are also taking pain relievers, such as Tylenol."

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·         Homeopathic Medicines

These are not technically dietary supplements, but are nonetheless a popular category. Homeopathy, or homeopathic medicine, is a medical philosophy dating back to the late 1700s. It's based on the idea that our bodies have a self-healing response. So, the theory goes, if certain a substance causes a symptom in a healthy person, giving that person a very small amount of the same substance may cure the symptoms.

The National Institute of Health's National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine web site notes that studies on homeopathy have been contradictory. Some have suggested the results are similar to a placebo effect, while others have found positive effects that are not readily explained in scientific terms.

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·         Vitamins D

Chances are, you are not getting enough vitamin D for good health. "The current recommendations are not adequate to protect against chronic diseases or prevent osteoporosis," vitamin D expert Michael Holick, MD, tells WebMD. "All evidence suggests that infants and adults can tolerate 1,000 IUs a day as safe, without risk of toxicity.

Holick suggests taking a daily vitamin D supplement or getting safe sun exposure to maintain proper blood levels of vitamin D.

And be sure to eat a variety of foods rich in vitamin D such as fortified milk and cereals, salmon, and tuna. Check with your dermatologist about guidelines for safe sun exposure.

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·         Fish/animal Oil

Ninety-five percent of the sales in this category come from fish and not animal oils. Unless a doctor is treating you for heart disease or high triglyceride levels, you should not take fish oil supplements, says Alice Lichtenstein, DSc, Tufts University researcher and chairwoman of the American Heart Association (AHA) nutrition committee.

Studies show that omega-3 fatty acids are cardio-protective and the basis for the AHA recommendation to consume fatty fish twice weekly. But the studies do not show that popping a supplement can have the same benefit in healthy individuals. There is also a misperception that fish oils can lower cholesterol, but this is not true.

If you don't like fatty fish such as salmon, Lichtenstein recommends eating other kinds of fish such as canned tuna. (Just be sure to avoid any fish that is breaded and fried.)

Foods such as canola oil, soybeans, flax, walnuts and algae are all sources of omega-3s, but they are not a substitute for fatty fish.

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Tips for Choosing Dietary Supplements

Experts agree there are some rules of thumb for choosing dietary and nutritional supplements. First, look for trusted brands that have been around for some time.

Another tip: read the claims carefully. If they look too good to be true, they probably are. Products promising to pack on 20 pounds of muscle in a week are not going to deliver because nothing can yield those kinds of results.

Last but not least, be sure to check with your doctor before taking any dietary supplements.

Effective Body Enhancer Exercise

These two chest exercises will make hauling toddlers or pushing the lawn mower all that easier. You'll need an exercise ball and light weights to perform these two moves. If you're working out on carpeting, lose the socks or tie on some sneakers to prevent your legs from slipping out during the chest fly. Both the chest fly and the push-up work your chest and shoulders. Performing these common moves with the help of an exercise ball engages your core muscles.

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Although you can't make your breasts bigger, you can give them a lift (and create sexy cleavage for that low-cut dress) with exercises that firm the pectoral muscles beneath your breasts.

These chest fly and push-up exercises are two moves that do just that. I've made them more challenging by showing you how to do them on an exercise ball (available at sporting goods stores). Other muscles, including your abs, also get a mini workout as they stabilize you.

A beautiful bust improves your figure and boosts your confidence. And having strong chest muscles makes it easier to push a cart loaded with groceries.

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Your Toning Program:

Do two sets of 10 repetitions of each exercise, allowing 30 to 60 seconds of rest between sets. Move slowly: 3 seconds to lower, 1-second pause, 3 seconds to lift. Do two or three sessions a week, with at least 1 day of rest between workouts.

·         Chest Fly on an Exercise Ball

Sitting on a large exercise ball, inch your feet forward, and roll your body down until your head and upper back are supported. Your feet should be hip-width apart, knees over your ankles. Contract your buttocks, and raise your hips until your body, from the knees up, is parallel to the floor. Hold a pair of dumbbells with your arms extended over your chest, elbows bent, and palms facing each other.

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Note: Skip this exercise if you have orthopedic problems such as painful knees, hips, ankles, or back.

Keeping your abs contracted and your wrists straight, slowly lower your arms out to the sides in a smooth arc. Pause when your hands are chest level, then sweep both arms back up, squeezing your chest muscles. Stop before the dumbbells touch over your chest, then repeat. (You can also do this move on an aerobic step or with pillows stacked underneath your back to allow elbowroom.)

·         Push-Up on an Exercise Ball

Kneeling in front of a large exercise ball, rest your torso on top, and extend your arms so they reach over the other side. Slowly roll your body over the ball, and inch your hands forward on the floor until just your thighs are resting on the ball. Your hands should be in line with your shoulders but slightly more than shoulder-width apart.

Keeping your abs contracted and your back straight, bend your elbows, and slowly lower your torso toward the floor. Stop 4 to 5 inches shy of the floor. Hold, and then push back up. (For an advanced version, rest just your shins on the ball. If you don't have an exercise ball or are a beginning exerciser, start with a push-up on the floor with your knees bent.)

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Best Diet Program

We all know the general rules about dieting. Count your calories, keep food high in nutrition, and low fat, etc. Here are my own unique rules to get the most out of your diet.

Not enough calories can be just as dangerous as too many. If you don’t get enough calories, your body thinks that there is a food shortage, and it starts hoarding calories. This is called starvation mode. Your body will store every single calorie that enters it as fat because it doesn't know when it will get more food. Obviously this is counterproductive to weight loss. Some people think that if you cut enough calories for long enough, that you will lose weight even in starvation mode. This may be true, but it won’t be just fat you’re losing, but your body will start breaking down muscle and organ tissues to get the nutrients it needs. This can adversely affect your health.

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If you are on a calorie prescription, drinking things like soda, fruit juice, and other sweetened beverages can add up in the calorie department, and cause you to either go over your prescription without realizing it, or leave less calories for more filling foods and you will be hungry all the time. The occasional sweet drink here and there probably won’t hurt if you plan for it, but don’t make it a habit.

All the experts tell you how to eat healthy foods and about portion sizes, but what they don’t say is that if you eat less, more often, you will boost your metabolism and lose fat faster. By providing your body with a steady flow of energy in small amounts, you are keeping your blood sugar at a steady level and your body thinks there is plenty of food, but gets just enough to use at a time and doesn’t get much chance to store any. If you eat less often, your blood sugar fluctuates. It will burn fat during the lows (right before meals) but will store more fat during the highs (right after meals). When walking, which method do you think will get you there faster, walking at a moderate pace in one direction, or alternating between running 10 feet, then running back 5 feet? The recommended schedule is three 300-400 calorie meals and three to four 200 calorie snacks, and you should eat about every three hours or so.

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People who occasionally cheat on their diets are more likely to stick to them. Some people have a cheat meal, where in one meal they eat whatever they want, as much as they want, once a week. Some people have a cheat day, where they don’t count calories for a whole day but still watch what they eat (keep it reasonable). Others simply give themselves a certain number of “cheat calories” a day that they can spend on junk food, such as soda or chocolate cake. As long as you keep cheating to a reasonable amount, it can actually help you stick to your diet and some people report losing weight faster with a little cheating.

If it is still an hour and a half until your next meal and you feel like your stomach is going to implode, have a very small bridge snack. Such as slice of plain toast, a single rice cake, and four ounces of skim milk. The trick to bridge snacks is to keep them under 100 calories and don’t have more than one or two a day. These are for emergencies only. A good example: get these 100 calorie packs of cheddar cheese and keep a few in the fridge at work.

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And when you do weigh yourself, use the same scale every time and pick a time to do it. Some people weigh themselves on a schedule, such as once a week, on the same day, at the same time. Some prefer to weigh themselves after an event, such as a workout or a bowel movement. Work something out and stick to it. A person’s weight can fluctuate by as much as 5lbs from one day to another, and stepping on a scale and being 2lbs heavier than yesterday, while perfectly normal, can be discouraging. You don’t need the discouragement.

 If you are working out regularly, you may be building muscle while burning fat. If this is the case, you may be getting thinner and leaner without losing weight or even gain weight. If you've been trying hard and the scale won’t budge, try measuring your waist at the smallest part every few days and see if you’re losing inches.

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Have you ever met someone on the Atkins diet? They’re tired and cranky. This is because carbohydrates are where your body gets most of its energy, and they help regulate your mood. If you work behind a desk and never exercise or if you are bedridden, cutting carbs is a great way to lose weight, but if you work out regularly, play sports, and/or have a physically demanding job, YOU NEED YOUR CARBOHYDRATES! Try to get in more complex carbs than simple ones by choosing wheat and whole grain over white and processed. Such as wheat bread, brown rice, multi-grain cheerios instead of honey-nut.

If something is working for you, keep doing it. Unless it’s a licensed medical professional, don’t listen to people when they tell you not to do something, or suggest you do something else instead. Everyone is different. If the diet plan you’re on is working for you (and isn't going to harm you), don’t listen when people tell you it’s bad.

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If someone suggests something to try along with your current diet, and it sounds reasonable, try it. If they say not to eat anything white (ever) or to only eat vegetables for three days and eat like normal the rest of the week, that’s a fad diet and be wary. Also, if diets make you lose more than 2 lbs per week or encourage you to eat one thing all the time, they are most likely fad diets.

How to Lose Weight Fast

If you want to lose weight, you're not alone. Almost half of all Americans are trying to lose weight at any given time. While there are many things you can do to shed pounds, losing weight too quickly can be dangerous. Fad diets, diet pills, and fasting may help you reduce the number on the scale, but these methods can cause severe health complications.

However, if you are generally healthy and you're determined to drop several pounds quickly, there are some techniques and tips you can adopt to help you reach your short-term goals.


The purpose of most fad diets is to promote rapid weight loss that you can see almost overnight. Fad diets are short-term solutions; if you stay on a fad diet for more than a few days, you could cause your body serious harm. You should always consult your healthcare provider before beginning any kind of weight loss program to make sure your body can take the added strain to its system. Here are some popular fad diets with simple instructions that claim to result in fast, short-term weight loss.

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  • The Water Diet

This diet involves drinking a daily total of about 64 fluid ounces (8 cups) of cold (preferably refrigerated) water, at regular intervals. Drink a glass of water before each meal and before each snack to suppress your appetite by making you feel fuller. Do not add sweeteners or flavorings to your water. Do not replace meals with water. Take a daily multivitamin to replenish the nutrients lost through more frequent urination.
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  • Juice Detox Diet, Juice Fast, or Hollywood Diet

Although there are many variations on a juice detoxification fast or crash diet, they generally last for one to three days. You can only drink fruit and vegetable juices on this type of fad diet. Some variations of this diet involve taking vitamins or nutrients along with the juices, while others let you have a single meal per day. The juices are meant to help your body flush out toxins and eliminate several pounds of (mostly) water weight from your system.

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  • The Master Cleanse, Maple Syrup Diet, or Lemonade Diet

This fad diet is a liquid-only diet. Drink between 6-12 glasses of a special mixture of lemonade, cayenne pepper, water, and maple syrup each day. You will also drink a cup of herbal laxative tea twice a day. There is an optional period of easing into this fad diet, as well as an easing-out process. It should only be done for very short-term weight loss and is supposed to function as a detoxifying cleanse rather than a strict weight-loss routine. There is also an optional salt-water flush that can be incorporated into this diet.

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  • The Cabbage Soup Diet

This diet claims it can help you lose up to 10 pounds in one week. It involves eating a low-fat, high fiber diet. You mainly eat a special type of cabbage soup, but you can also have moderate portions of certain fruits and vegetables, occasional meats and rice, a minimum of 4 glasses of water and a multivitamin each day. This diet lasts 7 days and is not recommended as a permanent solution for long-term weight loss because of the lack of nutrients you consume on it.

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  • The Salt-Free Diet

This diet helps you lose water weight by eliminating water retention in the body. On this diet, you cannot have any salt, which includes not only table salt, but also all the added sodium found in pre-packaged and prepared foods. This involves preparing sodium-free products at home or avoiding processed foods all together, which also means avoiding eating out at restaurants. It also involves drinking up to 2 liters (about 8 cups) of water each day to replenish essential bodily fluids, although green tea is also allowed in moderation. Many prepared foods have as much as 30% of your daily value. 

You get your daily requirement of sodium from a healthy diet; too much can cause you to retain water weight. Because some dietary salt is essential for good health, the Salt-Free Diet should not be followed for more than one to two weeks. It's important to note that this diet is more effective for those people who tend to retain water more easily than others. If you're not sure whether you're particularly prone to water retention, pay attention to your hands and feet the next time you eat something salty. If your rings are more difficult to take off, or your shoes become tighter after a salty meal, those are signs that your body is sensitive to sodium.

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  • The HCG Diet

This diet combines injections or supplements of HCG (human chorionic gonaotropin) with a severely restricted calorie intake. The calorie restriction alone (only 500 to 800 calories per day) is enough to promote weight loss in most people; it is significantly under the recommended daily calorie allowance, even for people attempting to lose weight. HCG is not monitored by the FDA, and can have unpleasant side effects in many people. Those who follow this diet typically gain the weight back immediately after stopping it.


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Another easy way to get fast weight-loss results is to get beauty treatments specifically designed to help you shed inches quickly. By visiting a spa, sauna, or wellness clinic offering weight loss beauty services and procedures, you can have your pick of numerous beauty treatments and spa services that are designed to help you lose weight quickly or to alter your appearance by reducing bloating, tightening your skin, or removing body fluids. These processes only involve temporary weight loss, but the results are immediate and do not involve dieting or exercise.

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Change general nutrition and lifestyle habits. Adopting a number of simple but significant dietary and behavioral changes can be enough to jump-start weight loss for many people. Combining the suggestions below with your short-term diet plan will enhance your chances of reaching your weight-loss goals faster and maintaining those results in the long-term.

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Remember, you can lose weight either by decreasing your calorie intake or increasing the number of calories you burn. Any health strategy should include both, but if you want to lose weight fast, exercise is essential. Small changes to your activity level can add up over the course of a day, and can start making an impact on your weight within as little as a week.

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Foods That Help You Lose Weight

Most of us are too tired when we get home from work to cook a healthy dinner and we end up ordering a takeout from the nearest fast food chain. But fast food has its negative effects. According to research, those who eat fast food tend to consume more total fat, carbohydrates and sugar-sweetened beverages, and they eat less fiber, milk, fruits, and non-starchy vegetables. We all know when hunger hits, it is convenience that always wins over health. So make it easy and be prepared. Stock up on these more nutritious alternatives foods that will help in your proper diet.

Hummus and Veggies

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It is popular throughout the Middle East and in Middle Eastern Cuisine around the globe. The Middle Eastern chickpea spread is an easy, protein-rich snack that fights hunger and balances blood sugar levels. Substituting baked pita chips with some veggies can make a big impact towards a healthier snack. Hummus boosts energy because it is high in iron and vitamin C and also has significant amounts of folate and vitamin B6. This is a good source of protein and dietary fiber. It is useful in vegetarian and vegan diets and it serves as a complete protein.

Hummus makes for a great snack or appetizer and you can prepare this in just 10 minutes by following this simple recipe for plain hummus: Drain chickpeas and set aside liquid from can. Combine remaining ingredients in blender or food processor. Add 1/4 cup of liquid from chickpeas. Blend for 3-5 minutes on low until thoroughly mixed and smooth. Make a shallow well in the middle of the paste when serving and pour a small amount (1-2 tablespoons) of olive oil in the well. Keep a few batches in the freezer so all you have to do is thaw.


Using fresh tomato salsa as a dip is a healthy snack and a great serving idea. It can also spice up other dishes in your diet.  Salsa contains vitamin A, C and Capsaicin that aids in producing collagen, maintaining a strong immune system and plays a central role in fetal development. It also takes part in the treatment of some health conditions.

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The topic of cholesterol has become very confusing nowadays. People actually hurt their health by trying to avoid cholesterol but our body actually needs to achieve a balance when it comes to cholesterol consumption. People gravitated towards egg whites where there has been a misconception that its best to eat only the whites, which in truth, the yolk is where many of the vitamins and nutrients are found. Eggs are a great source of protein and have numerous vitamins. Proteins like those found in eggs yolks stimulate the release the hormone glucagon that aids in fat burning and actually fights off belly fat.

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Raw Almonds

Almonds are not only delicious but they are also nutritionally beneficial. They are high in monounsaturated fats that reduce LDL cholesterol and also lower the risk of heart disease. They are not only reducing cholesterol, they also help to stabilize blood sugar and they are high in vitamin E. Almonds are healthiest when eaten raw because over twenty flavonoids are primarily concentrated in the skin. And also they help with weight loss. Even though almonds are relatively high in calories, their protein, fiber, and monounsaturated fat content makes them quite filling and satisfying.  It does not cause weight gain and may actually promote weight loss.

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Almond Butter

Almond butter contains several nutrients. You can enjoy it as an alternative to peanut butter and it’s a way to take advantage of its nutrients which are packed with vitamins and minerals that help promote good health and prevent certain diseases. It is good for the heart, lowers your blood pressure, controls blood sugar, they are rich in antioxidants and also helps with weight control. Add almond butter to a smoothie or serve with celery sticks to make it part of your diet.

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Parmesan Cheese

It might sound too good to be true, but having a brick of Parmesan cheese around can be an asset to shedding pounds. It aids in building stronger bones because of its high calcium content. Because parmesan cheese is lactose-free, lactose-intolerant people benefit from a calcium-rich food that is safe to eat. Parmesan is one of the most flavorful cheeses so you only need about a tablespoon (22 calories) for a satisfying snack.

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A top belly-flattening favorite. Yogurt is stacked with probiotics, a bacteria that may help reduce the amount of fat your body absorbs. Pick a Greek yogurt over the regular kind, says Kara Lydon, a registered dietitian at Chobani. Greek nonfat or low-fat versions contain only half as much sodium as regular yogurt -- and no artificial sweeteners or preservatives.

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